By using technology to conduct effective truck parking site selection, smarter, more resilient cities are constructed that account for the needs of all vehicles on the road. Better city and highway planning leads to improved quality of life for both commercial drivers and citizens, with reduced traffic, less stress around vehicle parking and increased safety being realized. Transportation technologies help to make the unknowns of truck movement known, giving organizations insights to maximize available space and understand the context behind vehicles’ tendencies.
Building smartly located truck parking additionally prevents commercial drivers from falling out of HOS compliance. If a commercial driver is nearing the end of their hours limit for the day, but they can’t find a suitable place to park their vehicle, they might spend more time than they can afford in search of a spot. Transportation management solutions can assist planners in identifying the most common areas this problem is likely to occur based on both annual average daily traffic (AADT) counts and stoppage data. Planners are then able to strategically place new truck parking in areas where the data shows heavy commercial movement or frequent truck stops are occurring.
A visualization from our Interactive Map of freight parking options in the greater Jacksonville, Florida region.

This heatmap of Florida from our Interactive Map tool shows stop counts for class 6-8 trucks in 2022.
Discover more: See our Interactive Map for more visualizations of how our transportation management solution can support your planning or policymaking initiatives.