Charged with creating, validating and updating freight and transportation models, SCAG tries to forecast transportation conditions as accurately as possible. It is no secret that California is home to some of the busiest road networks in the country so congestion mitigation, economic efficiency and improved safety are top priorities for transportation planners. SCAG looks to help planners with recommendations for infrastructure improvements based on traffic model outputs.
Within their research, SCAG was seeking better aggregate origin-destination data in order to facilitate better modeling for heavy-duty trucks and vehicle activity in their regions. Using the Altitude platform and specifically the Origin & Destination product, SCAG gained more comprehensive insights into the nature of commercial vehicle and freight activity.
This information was particularly useful for SCAG and their project Freightworks, the SCAG Goods Movement Program. In order to develop sound traffic and freight models that form the basis for policy decisions, SCAG must validate existing traffic models using various data sources. Now armed with contextual connected vehicle information, SCAG was able to specify the aggregate journeys of commercial vehicles and identify where they are coming from, where they’re going, how they’re traveling and more importantly, why. This level of insight proved invaluable for presenting accurate modeling that freight and transportation planners can rely on for policy decisions.