Fortunately, there is another way. High-quality transportation data that’s rich in context can help DOTs unlock new insights that empower them to make the best possible use of their budgets. With the right platform, you can examine popular routes from ports and associated travel-time metrics like dwell times to help you understand potential freight bottlenecks on a deeper level. From there, you’ll even be able to calculate how much those traffic inefficiencies cost your economy every year.
In the process, you can find out how commercial vehicle journeys affect your region on a macro and micro scale. This includes analyzing key metrics like overall door-to-door activity growth and curbside pickup to uncover traffic hotspots that may have been caused by an increase in stand alone parking events. It even empowers you to look into turning movement patterns and entry/exit point usage.
As last-mile deliveries continue to grow, you’ll be able to easily identify newly congested corridors to better understand travel times, speeds and average number of stops. In turn, you’ll be able to implement curbside management or signal retiming efforts to help reduce the corridor congestion.
Accessing contextualized transportation data also enables you to explore how vehicles interact with your journey corridors – including specific elements like intersections or on-ramps. Equally, you can zoom out and see the bigger picture of freight and goods movement between city, municipality and state borders.
You’ll be able to see where freight is truly originating from, which routes it is utilizing – even if it came from out of state – and where its ultimate destination is. Additionally, you can view the volume of journeys undertaken in your region, broken down by industry and vehicle class. This helps you understand which business types are making use of your infrastructure, so you can consider whether to offer incentives to industries to boost economic growth in your region.
At Altitude by Geotab, we provide you with all the insight you need to make key decisions with confidence. You can find out more about our Altitude platform here.