According to the National Safety Council, in 2021 alone, 117,300 large trucks were involved in accidents that caused an injury. This represents an increase of 12% compared to the prior year. This statistic, coupled with the fact that more vehicles are driving on all roads year over year, makes it even more critical for state, research organizations and departments of transportation (DOTs) to prioritize transportation safety technologies. As CMVs are one of the most consistent vehicle categories regularly traveling, their driving trends need to be studied in relation to those of non-CMVs. Doing so can help planners build smarter and safer road systems that account for the unique challenges that drivers of all vehicle types face.
The CMV safety grant will sponsor qualifying organizations’ pursuit of a number of technologies and software, including but not limited for collision analytics, pinpointing high-risk traffic corridors and the development of accident-countering strategies. Preventing crashes with the power of transportation insights will help reduce afflictions, enhance traffic flow and proliferate smarter cities.