By this point, we’re all intensely familiar with social distancing. These and other safety measures were widely implemented to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. But in spaces that were designed for the pre-pandemic world, these measures can lead to significant disruptions.
The most prominent example of this can be seen at some of America’s busiest ports, like Los Angeles and Long Beach. Dozens of container ships remain moored offshore, as there’s no space for them to dock. On September 15th, the total number of ships waiting to dock was a record 88.
The Port of Savannah is also seeing an immense backlog of another kind, as tens of thousands of containers accumulate in heaps on the port grounds, all awaiting pick-up.
These slowdowns are largely due to the number of COVID-19 protocols in place, including the cleaning of cranes and equipment, daily health screenings for staff and social distancing. Combine those operational limitations with a huge increase in demands for goods – and you’ve got a recipe for some serious congestion.