Aggregate connected vehicle insights illustrate what is happening on a city or state’s road networks. In addition to totaling the numbers of vehicles traveling and their various speeds, aggregate traffic data collection provides users with key information on origins and destinations. See the most common traffic bottlenecks in a particular region and where vehicles are headed to easily identify areas of improvement, how vehicles are interacting with one another and when traffic volumes are at their highest.
Altitude by Geotab offers these valuable freight and fleet data analytics with our expansive platform, Altitude. Using data from over four million of commercial vehicles and 26 million trips a day, Altitude takes true insights from each vehicle and aggregates them within a single solution. Our platform shows valuable road analytics like speeds and travel durations to paint a realistic portrait of an area’s overarching travel tendencies.
Conducting a traffic data analysis with Altitude enables you to make travel more efficient for vehicles in your area via new strategies based upon the insights. Whether building new electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, studying truck parking issues and adding new options or diverting traffic to different routes, a mixture of effective policy and infrastructure decisions built upon data can help you smartly develop your state.
See more: Discover our Incident Management use case to learn more about how our data demonstrates the results of traffic diversions. Witness this visual story by going to Traffic Operations on our Interactive Map.