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Deep Transportation Analytics for Petroleum and Gas Companies

Choose the best locations for new fuel stations by allowing contextualized transportation insights to guide your selections.

Pinpointing high-potential areas for fuel stations using aggregated vehicle data

Study detailed roadway vehicle counts and stoppage data to choose more profitable fuel station sites.

Identify high-stoppage areas

Optimize fuel station site selection by viewing transportation data that highlights where vehicles are most frequently parking at. Identify high-potential corridors based on real traffic analytics.

Visualize the total addressable vehicle market

Use total traffic counts to assess how many travelers regularly pass through a particular region. Justify investments in new real estate based on areas where higher totals of commuters are found.

Dive into vehicle context and behaviors

Know where vehicles are coming from and going as well as their associated vocations, classes and types. Using this context, target your ideal customers with smartly placed new stores near them.

Analyze unique regional travel factors prior to new construction

New fuel stations need to account for specific variables like who is most commonly driving throughout a region, where they’re stopping and overall traffic totals before being built. These crucial pieces of context can enable your petroleum and gas company to optimize site selection and position new stations for heavy usage.

Our robust transportation analytics help reveal deeper trends about regions’ commercial vehicle movement, making it easier to understand the number of diesel pumps needed versus those with traditional gasoline at a new fuel station. With Altitude, use mobility insights to drive more revenue by placing your new fuel stations in customer-rich areas.

How Altitude supports smarter, profit-optimized site selection for fuel stations

These key features of our transportation analytics platform empower petroleum and gas companies to make data-driven decisions.

Altitude’s Road Segment Data

Road segment data categories like annual average daily traffic (AADT) provide visibility into a region’s total commercial vehicle throughput. Use this information to compare high-traffic areas and build strong business cases for new fuel station construction.

Altitude’s Stop Analytics

Discover the areas in a region where most vehicles are stopping while en route to their destinations. Building new fuel stations in these locations offers convenience to potential customers and allows you to secure new earnings as a result.

Altitude’s Origin and Destination

Identify common starting and ending points for commercial vehicle routes to gain further confirmation on which corridors present the best opportunities for new fuel stations. Using trip purposes for site selection helps you offer more prescriptive fueling options for travelers in your region.

Altitude’s Vehicle Characteristics

Explore vehicle traits like vocations, classes and types for a vivid illustration of all vehicle movement throughout a region. Plan new fuel station projects that have a higher ceiling of success with contextual data backing them up.

Increase site selection intelligence with real world traffic insights

Fuel station site selection is only as effective as the information it’s founded on. Using our accurate, context-driven transportation data, set up your oil and gas company’s new stores for success by strategically choosing their placement locations.

A crucial part of the Altitude by Geotab mission is to help businesses and regions alike achieve greater economic outcomes. Through Altitude’s mobility insights, we’re making it easier for petroleum companies to identify high-traffic areas and efficiently supply their products to those who need them most. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your business expand its market share responsibly with the power of our analytics.

Contact Altitude

Let us show you how we can transform your approach to fuel station site selection today.