Transearch can forecast commodity flow based on world-leading established modeling but uses a historical snapshot to connect the dots for future commodity flow. It would require more recent data to dive into accurate analyses of how Rhode Island traffic networks were being used for freight movement.
Near real-time data is one cornerstone of the Altitude by Geotab offering and the Altitude platform that allows users to slice and dice contextualized transportation analytics. Powered by deep and scalable connected-vehicle data, insights from millions of trips help users understand the where and the why of fleet and trucking movements.
Using near-real-time deidentified data collected from its parent Geotab, the market leader in freight telematics, Altitude by Geotab can accurately paint a picture of commercial vehicle movement and capture the context behind it. Altitude by Geotab collects data from over 20% of heavy-duty trucking in the State of Rhode Island with strong correlations to counting stations within the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA),
For this project, Altitude by Geotab provided up-to-date information on traffic flow across and into Rhode Island for building a more comprehensive state freight plan. With Altitude by Geotab, users can distinguish commercial vehicle activity and vehicle type, meaning that heavy-duty trucking could be classified separately from medium-duty or even light-duty commercial vehicles.
Below are the observations made by the team of commercial truck trips from 4/1/2021 to 4/30/2022 across Rhode Island, broken down by origin county, industry and mileage:

Observed trip counts by truck class in major Rhode Island cities

Commercial Heavy-duty truck trips are broken down by industry

VMT by truck class
Transearch typically tracks annual tonnages of trucking to convert those numbers into an estimate of the number of truck trips in a given region. This is done using commodity average payload factors, which until now had been predominantly based on heavy-duty trucks.
“Transearch modeling had been biased towards heavy-duty commercial vehicles. Altitude data is uniquely suited to distinguish between heavy-duty, medium-duty and light-duty, so we recalibrated our modeling considering that mix of vehicles allowing for more accuracy in estimated trips,” said Paul Ciannavei, Senior Trade Consultant at S&P Global.
The combined Transearch and Altitude by Geotab database classifies commercial vehicles by type, allowing the team to identify over 35% more truck trips in Rhode Island after reducing the average truck payload by about 20%.

The recency of Altitude by Geotab’s data and the ability to classify the data by the type of trucking activity addressed a real gap in the market and, when combined with Transearch’s commodity market information, becomes a real game-changer for building out more accurate state freight plans. Rhode Island specifically wanted to look at traffic across the state and where freight flows were coming from into the state. The combined commodity flow database gave more visibility for Rhode Island into all freight activity to and through the state.

Changes across transportation patterns and technology are rapid, so accessing the latest data figures goes a long way in keeping pace with development. This commodity flow database becomes a powerful tool for planners in building advanced state freight plans that span economic development and infrastructure projects to serve the needs of their community best and keep freight moving.
More accurate state freight plans help inform infrastructure projects like assessing road safety and where maintenance needs to be prioritized. “We’re shedding light on how road networks are truly being used and linking the operational management of roads with the strategic planning side of things,” continued Ciannevei. “Now planners can make better-informed decisions for capital investments like bridges and highway repair while also presenting the facts to gain buy-in from other stakeholders.”